JUTEKDISI https://ojsiibn1.indobarunasional.ac.id/index.php/JUTEKDISI <p style="text-align: justify;">JUTEKDISI: Jurnal Teknologi Digital dan Sistem InformasiJurnal Teknologi Digital dan Sistem Informasi (JUTEKDISI) dikelola oleh Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indobaru Nasional (IIBN). JUTEKDISI menerbitkan artikel ilmiah dengan skope Sistem Informasi, Kecerdasan Buatan, Jaringan Komputer, Keamanan Sistem Informasi, Data Analisys, dan Multimedia.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Program Studi Sistem Informasi Institut Indobaru Nasional en-US JUTEKDISI 3046-9384 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN PRODUK PADA TOKO EXYU BERBASIS WEB https://ojsiibn1.indobarunasional.ac.id/index.php/JUTEKDISI/article/view/854 <p><strong><em>Exyu Store is an online store that sells various types of goods such as Clothes, Bags, Sandals, Shoes, Bags, and Wallets. The problem with this Exyu store is because of limitations in product promotion so that it is not conveyed to clients and customers. This online store only relies on the Whatshapp application, Facebook, as a promotional medium and for other transactions. This was affected by the urgent decline in sales of Exyu Stores. The purpose of building a sales information system is to facilitate product marketing and display product information by presenting a Web-based system to expand product marketing. This system is built using PHP and MySQL programming languages as a database. The results obtained in making a sales information system make it easier for buyers to make purchase transactions and make it easier for owners to disseminate product information. With the rapid development of technology, the author made "Design of Product Sales Information System on Web-Based Exyu Store". Modeling techniques used waterfall system models such as use cases, Sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams were used in the study. This study found that the system can present reports quickly and accurately, Solutions to problems that must be faced by Exyu Stores in the product sales process and as a product marketing solution for stores.</em></strong><strong> <em>By implementing an e-commerce-based sales system, consumers can process product sales transactions anywhere and anytime.</em></strong></p> Excas Gumelar Cosmas Eko Suharyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 1 2 47 54 PERANCANGAN DESAIN LIGHT BOX SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI DAN BISNIS INDOBARU NASIONAL BATAM https://ojsiibn1.indobarunasional.ac.id/index.php/JUTEKDISI/article/view/845 <p>Media promosi itu sangat penting dan dibutuhkan didunia perusahaan dalam berbagai bentuk bidang, Salah satunya bidang pendidikan, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Indobaru Nasional Batam (IIBN) yang merupakan kampus terbaru sehingga membutuhkan proses perkenalan kepada public yang lebih besar. Dalam media promosi tentu saja kampus sudah melakukan media promosi menggunakan brosur, spanduk, ekspedisi ditempat umum tetapi media promosi tersebut sangat tidak menarik bagi para generasi muda. Maka disinilah penelitian <em>light box</em> yang berdasarkan dekorasi estetika dan dijadikan menjadi media promosi basis survenir. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa media promosi <em>light box</em> sangatlah inovatif karena memiliki desain yang berhubungan dengan kesukaan para generasi muda dan juga memiliki nilai estetika yang cocok dijadikan dekorasi rumah.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <em>light box</em>, media promosi, desain, IIBN.</p> Levi Cornelia Miftahul Ilmi Cosmas Eko Suharyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 1 2 55 63 ANDROID BASED LAUNDRY INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN CASE STUDY AT C3 LAUNDRY https://ojsiibn1.indobarunasional.ac.id/index.php/JUTEKDISI/article/view/847 <p><em>C3 Laundry is a laundry service provider that is developing in the Batam city area. on the other hand, many users use Android smartphones which are preferred by the public. Therefore, research was conducted to design an Android-based laundry service application that is more effective and provides time efficiency for the laundry pick-up and drop-off process, records incoming and outgoing clothes, and provides information about C3 Laundry. The research methods used include literature study, interviews, design and testing. Currently, C3 Laundry still uses manual recording for every transaction that enters and leaves the customer. This research produces an application where this application helps the laundry to record clothes coming in and out. Based on the results of interviews, black box testing, the application created is quite helpful for laundry entrepreneurs.</em></p> irfan irwanto Cosmas Eko Suharyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 1 2 64 74